Top 10 Best Subjects To Study In Bangladesh [Most Demandable]

There’s no doubt that studying in Bangladesh is a great investment. Not only will you get the best education possible, but you’ll also live in one of the world’s most vibrant and culturally rich countries.

I have compiled a list of the top 10 most demandable subjects to study in Bangladesh in this article. So whether you’re planning to study medicine, business, engineering, or information technology, these subjects will be in high demand.

Curious to know how you can get started? Check out our top 10 best subjects to study in Bangladesh for yourself!

Top 10 Most Demandable Subject in Bangladesh List

  1. Information Technology
  2. Software Engineering
  3. Marketing
  4. Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
  5. Industrial and Production Engineering
  6. Architecture
  7. Fashion Design
  8. Psychology
  9. Nuclear Engineering
  10. Structural Engineering

1. Information Technology

What is Information Technology?

Information Technology (IT) encompasses various activities and technologies facilitating information creation, management, and distribution. IT experts help organizations to improve their performance by enabling them to exchange information effectively, manage data more efficiently, and create new products and services. It also helps to reduce costs by automating processes and reducing the need for manual work.

What skills to acquire to build a career in IT

However, here are some of the skills you may want to consider building a career in Information Technology:

1. Strong computer skills – Whether you’re a front-end or back-end developer, you’ll need to navigate and use modern web browsers and understand basic coding conventions.

2. Strong organizational skills – Being able to stay organized and keep track of multiple projects is critical in the IT field. You’ll also need to be able to manage deadlines and handle stressful situations.

3. Excellent communication and problem-solving skills – As a developer, it’s important that you be able to communicate easily with clients and other team members. You’ll also need to be able to solve complex problems quickly.

4. Certifications and experience – Many IT professionals now require certification or experience in specific fields to stand out from the competition. For example, many web developers now require certification in front-end or back-end development.

Job opportunities

Information technology (IT) professionals are in high demand and can find many exciting and rewarding career opportunities. Here are some of the most common job titles and positions for IT professionals:

  1. Database administrator
  2. Systems administrator
  3. Edge computing and IoT
  4. Network Engineer
  5. Web developer
  6. Cyber security specialist
  7. Project manager
  8. Software Developer
  9. Test Engineer
  10. AI developer
  11. Cloud computing
  12. IT automation

Best university for Information Technology

Jahangirnagar University is a great choice for those looking to study information technology in Bangladesh, as it offers a wide range of courses and programs that are tailored to meet the needs of students in the region. Additionally, the university has a strong reputation for quality education, and its faculty is experienced and well-educated.

The University of Dhaka, on the other hand, is a well-respected institution that offers a broad range of programs in information technology. Not only is it well-equipped with faculty members who are experienced in the field, but it also has a rich history and legacy that makes it an ideal choice for students looking to get ahead in their field. Remember, It is one of the most demandable subject in Bangladesh so admission is quite tough.

Read more: Top 10 best information technology university in Bangladesh

2. Software Engineering

What is Software Engineering?

Software engineering is the process of designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software. To design effective and efficient software, engineers must have a strong understanding of computer science principles and programming languages. They must also be familiar with the latest technologies, tools, and methods used in software development.

What skills to acquire to build a career in Software Engineering

There are several skills you will need to become a successful software engineer. Some of the more common ones include:

1. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills – You will be required to solve complex problems quickly and effectively as a software engineer.

2. Excellent written and oral communication skills – It’s essential that you can communicate your ideas clearly and concisely to your team and clients.

3. Proven experience in software development technologies – Many software engineering jobs demand that you have experience with specific development technologies such as Java, C++, or Python.

4. Experience with various programming languages – To be a proficient software engineer, you must be comfortable working with various programming languages.

5. Understanding computer systems – As a software engineer, you will need to be familiar with the inner workings of computer systems to diagnose and solve problems.

Job opportunities

There’s no shortage of software engineering jobs out there! In fact, the market for software engineering is expected to grow at a rate of 26% over the next five years, according to the website. Here are some of the most popular job opportunities currently available:

  1. Database administrator
  2. Software Architect
  3. System administrator
  4. Software engineer
  5. QA engineer
  6. Security Specialist
  7. Cloud engineer
  8. Demand generation specialist
  9. DevOps Engineer (Linux, Windows)
  10. Mobile app developer

Best university for Software Engineering

Daffodil International University offers a variety of Software Engineering courses that are perfect for students who want to gain the skills and knowledge needed to enter the software engineering field. Moreover, their rigorous academic standards and software development industry partnerships make this university a great choice for students who want to attain a top-level education in the field.

Meanwhile, Metropolitan University also offers Software Engineering courses that are perfect for students who want to learn how to develop software applications. Their strong focus on industry partnerships and their team of experienced professors make this university an excellent choice for students who want to gain real-world experience.

Related post: Best private university for software engineering in Bangladesh

3. Marketing

What is marketing?

Marketing is a process that helps companies and individuals to connect with their customers and build relationships that result in profitable transactions. It encompasses everything from planning and designing the customer experience to developing and executing the sales and marketing strategies that result in customer acquisition and retention.

What skills to acquire to build a career in Marketing

A career in marketing can be extremely rewarding, as it can help you to create and manage a successful business. Here are a few skills that are typically required for a career in marketing:

1. Strong writing skills – Marketing content is often written clearly and concisely, which requires good writing skills.

2. Effective communication skills – It’s important to be able to communicate your ideas effectively to others, whether it’s via writing, speaking, or face-to-face interactions.

3. Strong organizational skills – Managing and keeping track of your work schedule and priorities is essential for a career in marketing.

4. Proven experience in the marketing field – While some experience may not be required, it’s always helpful to have some experience working in the marketing field before starting a career. This will give you an advantage when looking for jobs and networking opportunities.

5. Social media management – Good social media managers know how to create effective social media campaigns that reach their target audience.

6. Research skills – A good marketer can thoroughly research the most effective strategies for promoting their products or services.

7. Creativity and innovation skills – Good marketers constantly develop new ways to reach their target audience and sell their products or services. They need to be able to think outside the box to stay ahead of the competition.

Job opportunities

There are many different marketing jobs out there, and with the growing digital marketing trend, the field is growing even more. Here are some of the most in-demand marketing jobs right now:

  1. Social media manager
  2. Marketing Coordinator
  3. Digital marketer
  4. Account executive
  5. Business development manager
  6. Media Buyer
  7. Interactive marketing specialist
  8. Social media strategist
  9. Event planner
  10. Copywriter
  11. Graphic designer
  12. SEO Specialist
  13. Campaign manager
  14. Public relations specialist
  15. Sales representative

Best university for Marketing

The University of Dhaka offers a wide range of courses in marketing, which are very comprehensive and provide the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue a successful career in marketing.

Meanwhile, United International University offers several marketing courses tailored to meet the needs of professionals working in different industries. It also has a strong emphasis on research, which makes it an excellent choice for students who want to gain a deeper understanding of the field. Marketing is considered the most demandable subject in Bangladesh because its large markets are still untapped with proper strategy.

For more info: Top 10 Private University in Bangladesh for BBA

4. Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

What are Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering?

Applied chemistry and chemical engineering are closely related fields that apply chemistry and physics to problems in industries such as manufacturing, oil and gas production, environmental cleanup, and more. Applied chemistry & chemical engineering research often involves collaborations with other fields, such as materials science and engineering, biology, and physics.

What skills to acquire to build a career in Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering is a highly technical and demanding field requiring many specialized skills and knowledge. To build a successful career in chemical engineering, you will need to have a strong background in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Here are some specific skills and knowledge that you will need to have to thrive in this field:

1. Proficient in mathematical modeling and simulation -chemical engineers often rely on mathematical models and simulations to help them understand the behavior of chemical systems.

2. Expert in fluid dynamics – Fluid dynamics is a critical area of chemical engineering that deals with the flow of fluids through different environments.

3. Strong understanding of chemical kinetics – Chemical kinetics studies chemical reaction rates and mechanisms.

4. Excellent understanding of thermodynamics and heat transfer – Thermodynamics studies the relations between thermal energy, heat, mass, motion, and pressure. This knowledge is essential for designing systems that operate at high temperatures or under high-pressure conditions.

5. Familiarity with industrial materials and processes – Chemical engineers often work with industrial materials and processes, which means they need to be familiar with their properties and how they interact with other chemicals.

Job opportunities

There are various job opportunities for Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering professionals. Some of the most common careers include:

  1. Biomedical Engineer 
  2. Process Engineer 
  3. Food engineer
  4. Manufacturing production technician
  5. Research Chemist 
  6. Quality Control Analyst 
  7. Synthetic Chemist 
  8. Analytical chemist 
  9. Environmental scientist
  10. Safety officers in the industry
  11. Product safety engineers in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries

Best for Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

University of Dhaka and BUET are two of the best universities for Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Both universities have a rich history and offer top-notch courses that are perfect for students who want to pursue a career in this field.

Their highly experienced and well-trained faculty makes it a great place to learn about this field. Additionally, BUET offers a wide range of courses that can help you gain the skills you need to launch your own business in this field. It is one of the best subject for honours in bangladesh.

Read also: Top 10 best chemical engineering university in Bangladesh

5. Industrial and Production Engineering

What is production engineering?

Industrial and Production Engineering is the application of engineering principles and practices to the design and operation of industrial plants. Its aim is to optimize plant performance while ensuring safety, environmental protection, quality, and economic competitiveness. In practice, this often means addressing problems such as impaired plant performance caused by operator error, equipment malfunction, or problems encountered in the supply chain (such as material shortages).

What skills to acquire to build a career in Industrial and Production Engineering

There are many different skills that you will need to build a career in Industrial and Production Engineering. Some of the most important skills to develop include:

1. Strong problem-solving skills – As a production engineer, you will frequently be called upon to solve difficult problems. You need to be able to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions.

2. Excellent communication and coordination skills – You must communicate your ideas and findings effectively with your colleagues and clients.

3. Expertise in engineering software – A production engineer typically relies heavily on engineering software to carry out their work. Therefore, it is essential that you have a good understanding of these programs so that you can use them effectively.

4. Specialized university – If you’re looking to enter the industrial engineering field, I highly recommend enrolling in a graduate program at a reputable university. This will give you access to specialized training and experience that will set you apart from other candidates.

5. Stay Up To date – Alternatively, you can seek professional certification opportunities in your field. In either case, stay up-to-date on industry trends and developments – this will help you stay ahead of the curve and build a successful career in Industrial and Production Engineering.

Job opportunities

  1. Product Development Engineer
  2. Quality Control Engineer
  3. Process Engineer
  4. Environmental Engineer
  5. Biomedical Engineer
  6. Materials Science and Engineering Technician
  7. Manufacturing Engineer
  8. Mechanical Engineer
  9. Control Systems Engineer
  10. Process Automation Engineer

Best university for Industrial and Production Engineering

BUET is considered one of the best industrial and production engineering universities. It offers a wide range of courses that cover all aspects of the field, from foundations to advanced research. In addition, the university has a strong research focus, which makes it a great place to explore new ideas and stay up-to-date with the latest findings.

BUTEX is another great option for students interested in Industrial and Production Engineering. It strongly focuses on practical training, allowing students to learn by doing. In addition, BUTEX offers a variety of distance learning options that make it easy to get started no matter where you are in the world.

Related: Top 15 industrial and production engineering universities in Bangladesh

6. Architecture

What is Architecture?

Architecture is the practice of designing and creating buildings and other physical structures. It can be described in many ways, but one common definition is that it is the “making of sense.” This means that architecture is not just a collection of isolated elements but the assembly of these elements into a coherent whole that serves a specific function.

Architects use various design tools and principles to achieve this goal, including sketching, 3D modeling, color theory, and structural analysis. They also often work with other professionals, such as engineers, landscape architects, and construction managers, to complete a project.

What skills to acquire to build a career in Architecture

There are a variety of skills that are generally required to become an architecture professional. These skills can vary depending on the type of architecture you want to pursue but generally include strong drafting and design skills and knowledge of construction methods and materials. Additionally, architects must be able to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing and be competent in computer-aided design (CAD) programs.

If you are interested in becoming an architect, working closely with a school or program that can provide you with the necessary training and experience is important. You should also keep up to date with industry trends and developments to stay ahead of the curve and deliver high-quality architecture solutions. In addition, you can also study abroad at accredited schools such as the University of Notre Dame or the Illinois Institute of Technology. Architecture is the best subject for honours in Bangladesh, as the future is full of opportunities.

Job opportunities

  1. Director or Partner 
  2. BIM Manager
  3. Urban Planner
  4. Sole Proprietor
  5. Specification Writer
  6. Interior Designer
  7. Constructor
  8. Project Manager
  9. Landscape architecture
  10. Architectural Graphic Designer
  11. 3D Drawing Technician
  12. Construction Manager with Architecture Training

Best university for Architecture

BUET is a well-known university in Bangladesh, and it offers a wide range of courses in Architecture, including both undergraduate and graduate levels. Furthermore, the university has strong ties with renowned architecture firms in the country, so you can get practical experience working with real-world projects.

The State University of Bangladesh is also well-known for its Architecture courses, and its faculty members are widely respected within the industry. Additionally, the university has a strong focus on research so that you can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the field.

Both universities offer excellent opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience in the field and have excellent reputations within the Bangladeshi architecture community. So, whichever you choose, you can be sure you are making a wise investment.

Related article: Top 10 Best Architecture University In Bangladesh

7. Fashion Design

What is Fashion Design?

Fashion design is the process of creating a garment that appeals to the current fashion trend or style. It typically begins with an idea, sketch, or model created on paper and then translated into a physical garment. Fashion designers may also create accessories, home decor, or experimental clothing.

It encompasses various disciplines, including garment construction, color theory, fashion advertising and merchandising, and graphic design. Fashion designers may also work with modelmakers, hair and makeup artists, and other designers to create a fashion show. A fashion designer typically has a degree in fashion design, although no strict educational requirement exists.

What skills to acquire to build a career in Fashion Design

There are a few essential skills that you should acquire to become a successful fashion designer. These skills include:

1. Excellent design skills – A good fashion designer must have excellent design skills, which means they can create beautiful and well-crafted garments. They must be able to understand the principles of fashion design and how to put those principles into practice.

2. Advanced sewing and fabric manipulation skills – A successful fashion designer must be able to sew and manipulate fabrics to create beautiful and trendy garments. They must also be able to read patterns and understand how to use them effectively.

3. Marketable design skills – A successful fashion designer must have marketable design skills, which means they can create visually appealing and fashionable garments. They must also be able to understand consumer trends and respond accordingly when creating their garments.

Job opportunities

  1. Fashion designer
  2. Pattern maker
  3. Fashion illustrator 
  4. Designer
  5. Sketching assistant
  6. Manufacturing
  7. Fashion Coordinators
  8. Stylist
  9. Clothing Designer
  10. Fabric Pattern Maker
  11. Wearable Design Engineer

Best university for Fashion Design

Both BUTex and BUFT are reputable universities that offer excellent fashion design programs. However, BUTex offers a more comprehensive and intensive curriculum ideal for students who are serious about becoming fashion designers.

BUTex also strongly focuses on industry-relevant research, making it a valuable resource for future fashion designers. Meanwhile, BUFT offers a more practical curriculum that prepares students for careers in the fashion industry. Both universities are highly ranked and have a good reputation in the fashion design community.

Read also: Top 10 Fashion Design University In Bangladesh

8. Psychology

What is Psychology?

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It is a broad discipline that draws on various research methods, including empirical observation, experimentation, and statistical analysis. Their main focus is understanding human behavior and how it can be affected. They also work to develop treatments and interventions that can help people cope with problems and improve their lives. Psychologists work in many different settings, including hospitals, schools, businesses, and the government.

What skills to acquire to build a career in Psychology

A career in psychology can be very rewarding, as it often involves working with people and helping them to improve their lives. While not all psychologists work with patients in a clinical setting, many do. Here are some skills that will help you to build a successful career in psychology:

1. Strong interpersonal skills – Interpersonal interaction is a key part of any psychology career. You’ll need to be able to communicate effectively with patients, co-workers, and other professionals.

2. Strong research skills – As a psychologist, you’ll need to be able to conduct research on your own and share your findings with others. This involves using various forms of analytical tools and writing clearly and concisely.

3. Excellent problem-solving skills – You’ll often be called to solve client problems as a psychologist. This involves thinking creatively and coming up with solutions that meet the client’s needs and the organization or system involved.

4. Ability to work independently – A key part of any psychological career is autonomy and independence. You’ll need to be able to work on your own without constant supervision or interference from others. This means being self-motivated and possessing excellent organizational skills.

Job opportunities

  1. Counselor trainees
  2. Interviewers
  3. Personnel analysts
  4. Military Psychologist
  5. Employment counselors
  6. Probation officers
  7. Writers
  8. Clinical psychologist
  9. Neuropsychologist
  10. Psychologist
  11. Marriage and family therapist
  12. Mental health counselor
  13. Psychometrician

Best university for Psychology

The University of Dhaka is a top university in Bangladesh, and Psychology is a popular program. As such, there will likely be plenty of opportunities for you to find a job after graduation.

Islamic University also offers a good program in Psychology, although it may not be as popular as the University of Dhaka. However, if you are looking for a more specialized program, Islamic University may be a better choice.

Related: Top 10 best university for psychology in Bangladesh

9. Nuclear Engineering

What is Nuclear Engineering?

Nuclear engineering is the application of principles and techniques of nuclear physics, nuclear chemistry, and nuclear engineering to design and operate nuclear facilities, including power plants, research reactors, and waste management facilities.

What skills to acquire to build a career in Nuclear Engineering

A career in nuclear engineering typically requires a degree in engineering or a related field, as well as experience in the field. Nuclear engineers work on projects that involve radiation protection, nuclear power plants, and other aspects of the nuclear industry. 

Nuclear engineers may need common skills in engineering design, systems analysis, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer programming. Nuclear engineers typically collaborate with other professionals in their field, such as physicists, chemists, and environmental specialists. Here are some skills that will need to build a successful career in the Nuclear field:

1. Strong scientific understanding is required to be a successful nuclear engineer. This includes a thorough understanding of nuclear physics, chemistry, and engineering.

2. Nuclear engineering careers often require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in engineering or another science-related field. Many nuclear engineers also hold master’s degrees or doctoral degrees in nuclear engineering.

3. Nuclear engineers typically work in various industries, including power generation, research and development, medicine, and environmental cleanup.

4. Nuclear engineering careers are highly specialized and require extensive knowledge and experience in nuclear physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, and computer science.

5. Nuclear engineers must work independently and cooperate with other professionals in their field to solve complex problems.

Job opportunities

  1. Nuclear engineer
  2. Nuclear safety officer
  3. Nuclear power plant operator
  4. Radiation control officer
  5. Nuclear Medicine Technologist
  6. Nuclear materials engineer
  7. Nuclear waste management specialist
  8. Nuclear reactor inspector
  9. Nuclear waste treatment technician
  10. Environmental health physicist
  11. Radiation Safety Inspector 
  12. Project Manager in Nuclear Engineering
  13. Professor of Nuclear Engineering

Best university for Nuclear Engineering

University of Dhaka is the best university for nuclear engineering in Bangladesh. It offers excellent education in this field and has a rich history of producing top-notch nuclear engineers. The university is also home to several research centers that are dedicated to developing new technologies and understanding the effects of radiation on health.

10. Structural Engineering

What is Structural Engineering?

Structural engineers design, plan, and supervise the construction of buildings, bridges, roads, airports, water systems, oil refineries, and other large-scale structures. They also provide consulting services to businesses and government agencies to improve the performance of their facilities.

Structural engineers typically have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in civil engineering or a related field. They may also have specialized training in areas such as earthquake engineering, wind engineering, fire protection engineering, or water resources engineering.

What skills to acquire to build a career in Structural Engineering

1. Learn math and science – Unless you plan on becoming a civil engineer, you will need basic math and science skills. This includes things like calculus, linear algebra, engineering physics, and statistics.

2. Learn design software – A good design software package can help you visualize and model the structures you are designing. This can save you a lot of time and hassle later on.

3. Be proficient in 3D printing – With 3D printing becoming more and more popular, it is important that structural engineers are proficient in using this technology. 3D printing can be used for various purposes, including the fabrication of prototypes and the testing of designs.

4. Have strong analytical skills – A good structural engineer should be able to understand complex problems and come up with solutions quickly. They should also have strong mathematical skills and the ability to translate complex concepts into practical solutions.

Job opportunities

  1. Architectural Engineer 
  2. Civil Engineer 
  3. Structural Project Engineer
  4. Structural Engineer 
  5. Materials Engineering Specialist  
  6. Structural Engineering Technician
  7. Structural Analyst
  8. Hazardous Materials Specialist 
  9. Structural Engineer Consultant

Best university for Structural Engineering

BUET is a highly reputable university with a strong history in Structural Engineering. It offers a variety of courses that are excellent preparation for a career in Structural Engineering.

The curriculum at BUET is constantly updated and revised to keep up with the latest advances in Structural Engineering technology. Professors at BUET are world-renowned experts in their field and can provide their students with the latest and most comprehensive training possible.

The Students’ Union at BUET is highly active and supportive, providing many opportunities for students to collaborate and share knowledge with one another. If you’re looking for a top-notch Structural Engineering Education, BUET is definitely worth considering.

Read also: Top 10 Best Civil Engineering University In Bangladesh

Final Thoughts

Studying the top 10 best subjects to study in Bangladesh will help you get a good job and make you financially stable. This is because of the huge job market that follows the demand for highly-educated people.

With such great opportunities ahead, what are you waiting for? Start enrolling now!

Even after reading this article, you might still be confused about what subjects you should study. There are so many options that it can become overwhelming. That’s where I can help you! I have helped hundreds of students across the country with career decisions, like how to get admission or how much money to plan for your journey through life.

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